The Archaeological Journal

The Archaeological Journal is the prestigious annual peer-reviewed publication of the Royal Archaeological Institute. Published since 1844, the Journal welcomes research articles, fieldwork reports and major syntheses and analyses, on all periods of the human past, from earliest prehistory to recent times. The Journal focuses its attention on England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland and Eire; however, in exceptional cases, papers on work in other countries which have a clear relevance to our core aims will be considered.

The Journal has an established international reputation for the highest quality of academic publication and the flexibility to publish shorter research articles as well as larger reports and studies. Its distinctive multi-period scope facilitates the publication within the journal of material spanning numerous eras and addressing broader themes regarding variability and change in the landscapes, settlements and material cultures of these islands.

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Honorary Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by multiple, independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this Journal.

The Journal can be accessed through most university libraries as well as some local and regional libraries and is sent to all of our Ordinary members. If new libraries or institutions would like to stock the Journal, please contact Taylor & Francis directly.

Copyright enquiries

Please contact regarding copyright enquiries for the Archaeological Journal. Authors can also consult the Taylor and Francis website for information about seeking permissions.

Accessing the Journal online

The first 120 years of our Journals, from 1844 to 1963 (Volumes 1-120), are freely available for download via the Archaeology Data Service.

Access Volumes 1-120 (Free)

All of our Journals, from 1844 to present, are available online to those with password access. In order to access the Journals, please log into the Institute's website first before clicking on the button below.

Access All Volumes (Ordinary members only)

Article submissions

Submissions are accepted online through the Taylor and Francis editorial management system at

Editorial enquiries to:    
Dr Rhiannon Stevens    
Institute of Archaeology    
University College London    
31-34 Gordon Square    
London WC1H 0PY

Book reviews

The extensive reviews section of the Journal is highly regarded as providing current scholarly assessments of a wide range of publications of interest to the readership.

Book reviews for Volume 172 (2015) onwards are published online and are available to Institute members via the Taylor & Francis website. Book reviews from Volumes 169-171 are publicly available on our website.

Book reviews for Volumes 172 onwards (Taylor and Francis)

Book reviews for Volumes 169 (2012) to 171 (2014) (RAI website)

Books for review to:    
Dr Andrew Valdez-Tullett
66 Merchiston Avenue 
EH10 4PA